Contractor – Wood Fired BBQ
The Contractor range of built in BBQ’s will add a new dimension to your entertainment area around which friends and family can gather.
Usable as an outdoor fire as well as a BBQ, the timeless design will enhance your patio and easily blend with your outdoor entertainment living area.

- Nickel plated grill
- Charcoal starter tray
- Cast iron stewing pot hook
- Optional light fitting
- Sliding door
Available in two sizes, 1000mm and 1200mm wide.

Contractor - Wood Fired BBQ
Firebox Sizing
A 1000
B 475
C 710
D 240
E 148
F 1045
G 522
H 750
I 700
J 23
Firebox Sizing
A 1200
B 475
C 710
D 325
E 148
F 1248
G 622
H 776
I 726
J 25